Design and edit letters and templates on your own!

Feel the freedom of being able to design and control the design of your newsletters.
The new template format gives you the opportunity to change your letters and templates on your own.

New tools to quickly and easily change things like fonts, sizes, colors and margins.

Test some of our ready-made templates and get inspiration.

Choose a theme or create your own design

In the new version, there are new choices when creating a new letter that will make it easier for you to get started.

When you click on create new letter, the following options will be available:

  • Own templates - Choose one of your existing templates
  • Previous letter - Choose directly to start from an already created letter
  • Standard Templates - Create something new with one of our neutral standard templates
  • Theme letters - Now you can choose to create something based on our theme letters

Control your design with the "Design tab"

To the left of the letter is a tab called "Design" above the paragraphs.

Here you can make basic settings in the letter such as which font to use. What should the header levels look like? What margins should the letter have, etc.

If you want to save the changes you made in the letter as a template for future letters, you can click on "save as template" at the top of the menu.

Note! The entire letter is saved as a template with the paragraphs and content found in the current letter.

Uniform letters with heading levels

In EditNews you can work with four different heading levels.

To create a heading, insert a piece of text. Enter the title.

Next, click the Normal field in the Text tool.

Here you can choose the type of header you want to use.

Note! If you want to create a heading in an existing piece of text, the heading needs to be on its own line.

Easy to fine tune blocks

By clicking on the gear next to the tools at the top right of the piece, you can make specific settings.

In all paragraphs it is possible to do the following:

  • Adjust the margin above and below the paragraph.
  • Set background color behind the paragraph.
  • Choose a background image behind the paragraph.

Some blocks may have more tools depending on which one you selected.

Andra nyheter som du hittar i den nya versionen är bland annat:

  • Nytt stycke för knappar - Call-to-action
  • Möjlighet att enkelt kopiera ett stycke i brevet
  • Ny förhandsgranskning för desktop och mobil och möjlighet att testa brevet i olika inkorgar.
  • Snabbt byta variant av stycken med bild till vänster eller höger